Supported Living

Designed to cater to the specific needs and preferences of residents, our Supported Living houses are a vital resource for those seeking a nurturing and inclusive living arrangement that prioritises their well-being and personal growth.

SoLO have three supported living houses. In each case, the property is home to three or four residents, supported 24/7 by SoLO personal assistants. Some include residents with both mild to moderate and profound to multiple learning disabilities.

To assess your supported living needs and suitability, we design a bespoke package around your individual requirements. This person centered support plan gives you choice and control over your own life so you can, with our support, live independently. We continually monitor and review our service with you and your representative to make sure what we are doing is in line with your aims and aspirations. Our support will ensure that your emotional, social, intellectual and physical support needs are met, and most importantly, that you are happy with the help we provide.

Plus our service is regulated by the Care Quality Commission so you can be assures that we will deliver the same high quality that runs through all of SoLO’s services.

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Fundraising Partners and Heroes

We are delighted to be involved with, and enjoy the support of, all of these organisations and more.