The foundations are laid!
Very excited to report that the foundations for our new extension are currently being laid. It now seems real that the extension will soon be a reality – what a long journey this has been!
Watching the care that has gone into laying the foundations, with the precise measurement and calculations has reminded me that without this attention to detail, the building will be no good and not fit for purpose.
It is with the same amount of care, that we lay the foundations for the delivery of the services that will come from this new building. Our recent refresh of our values, our work on determining the behaviours that will emanate from these values and the organisational refresh that is also happening are the important building blocks to ensure our services are also fit for purpose. No good having a wonderful new building if the quality of care, support and empowerment for our members is of a poor quality.
So looking forward to seeing this building come to fruition and filled with fun and interaction with our SoLO members.
Will keep you updated!