Acts of Random Kindness

When looking back over the last year (which we all often do in this season) I am struck with the kindness of people.  We hear so much bad stuff on the news and we have experienced, first hand, the more unpleasant side of life (when we were burgled) but my overwhelming sense is that of gratitude for the general kindness of people who support what we do.  Below is some (and clearly not all) of the random acts of kindness that we have experienced:

  • One of our staff using his skills and talents, spent hours of his own time to make props for our members ball, fundraising ball and daylight programme – all added so much value to the programmes supported.
  • A random stranger, put £50 in an envelope and put it through our door when they heard about our burglary.
  • A local business man took time out of his busy week to visit us, do a survey of our security needs and is now organising grills for us and has committed to putting them in for free as well as paying some of the overall costs.
  • An older lady who has moved away from Solihull and has very little to do with SoLO, sent us £50 in a Christmas card to support what we do.
  • Countless people have taken time out of their busy lives to support the various Christmas events that we have been involved in and some have been sacrificial with their time.
  • Teams of staff volunteered their time to enable their members to attend the members ball (and they even paid for their own tickets!)
  • large corporate teams have been involved in so many fundraising activities over the past year and we have benefitted hugely from the money they have raised, but also from their enthusiasm and passion for our cause.

In a world where there is an emphasis on me and mine, at SoLO we are privileged to experience these random acts almost every day.

As we move into 2018, my wish is that we will all think of random acts of kindness that we can bestow on our fellow man and enrich their lives as so many have done this year for us at SoLO.

Fundraising Partners and Heroes

We are delighted to be involved with, and enjoy the support of, all of these organisations and more.