After four weeks, Joel moved from 1:1 to 1:4 care
A consistent environment has helped Joel enjoy good mental health for over a year.
Joel is a young man with moderate learning disabilities who attends Daylight Plus one day a week. We were contacted by his parents and his social worker to provide a support package for when he returned to his family home following an emergency placement in a mental health unit as a result of a deterioration in his mental health. It was vital that an appropriate support plan was in place before he left the unit to ensure that his mental health was well monitored so immediate action could be taken if there were signs of deterioration. We worked with Joel, his family, his mental health carer and professionals to initially support him on a 1:1 basis in Daylight PLUS. All parties felt that he had settled in so well after four weeks that we agreed he could attend on a 1:4staff ratio. We provided a structured environment with consistent staff support and regular communication with his parents which have resulted in him maintaining good mental health for over a year. He fully participates in activities and has developed positive relationships with other members.